There are four types of vocations people follow in their lives. The four vocations is Vowed Religious Life, Single Life, Married Life, and Ordained Life. All four of these vocation types will get you into heaven. Think of each vocation like a road, each road leads to getting into heaven, the married life is getting quite congested, the single life is getting more and more congested every year, the Vowed Religious life and Ordained Life are getting people slowly every year. This should give a guage on what most people vocations are and what they are drawn to do.
VOWED RELIGIOUS LIFE: People are slowly being drawn to a religious life for their vocation. This includes vowing your life to God, they make vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience to live like Jesus. They dedicate themselves to calling others to join their cause.
MARRIED LIFE: Most people are drawn to this vocation in life. They choose to live their life with another person that they love and choose to spend the rest of their lives with.
SINGLE LIFE: More and more peole are choosing this life, this sort of life requires people to be commited to being single and are required to help the community and serve others.
ORDAINED LIFE: Ordained life is when a man is felt or compelled to serve God, the church and to serve God's people. They preach the gospel, celebrate mass, and provide advice for others.They develop their friendship with Jesus and can eventually be made a Deacon or Priest.

The image is of people that have vowed to serve their life to God. They are volunteers and help the church in any way possible.

Married life is when two people choose to be bound together through the sacrament of religion have unconditional love for each other.

This is a picture of a Priest with his helpers and deacons.

The image is of people that have vowed to serve their life to God. They are volunteers and help the church in any way possible.
(use arrows on the sides of the picture to see more pictures)
(click image to see full image)