The Religious vocation is the vocation where people have a vocation that calls them to serve God, and the church. These people can choose to be a Priest, Deacon, Nun, or just a helper in a church or chapel. These people devote their lives to serve God, and to ceate a stronger
connection between God and themselves. The people that are called to this vocation start off as a helper, progress to a Nun or Deacon, and then maybe to a priest. They sread the word of God through all stages and if they do become a Priest then they can lead a celebration of mass, and provide religious help to people in need. They also arnt allowed to be married once they become a Nun, Deacon, or Priest if you are not already becasue you devot yourself to God. The roles that they will have to do will be to conduct massses, give advice to people in need, preach the word of God, they help the church,help the priests prepare for mass, help people become closer to God and strengthen then religious connection. The gifts and taletns that these people need is emotional strength, being able to talk well infront of crowds, have to give good words of wisdom, be friendly, caring, loving,

The people in the religious vocation choose to serve God.

Nuns are some of the people that are the people that devote their lives to God, and the church.

The people that go down the religious vocation devote themselves to the church. The Vatican is the head church of the Catholic religion.

The people in the religious vocation choose to serve God.
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